STEAM SOURE is a blended acid formula without the offensive odor normally associated with this type of product. STEAM SOURE can be used for prevention of browning, the correct a brown out, to...
STOP SHOCK is a concentrated, reliable and renewable cationic type anti-stat which is odorless, nonflammable and non-staining concentrate. STOP SHOCK - GAL, WORKMASTER
NEUTRA CLEAN is a neutral pH cleaner that can be used in place of your standard cleaning powder when browning or bleeding is likely. Neutral pH discourages browning on jute-backed wools,...
TLC is a special product treatment that precedes extraction or rotary shampoo cleaning of heavily soiled high traffic areas. It works to penetrate and loosen soil and grease for more complete...
NEUTRA SOLV contains a special blend of water-based and solvent cleaning systems for fast, effective removal of BODY OILS, HAIR OIL, FATS AND SOILS. Also contains a pleasant LEMON DEODORANT.
LIQUID FORCE instant action emulsifier is designed for efficient economical use in all types of injection-extraction style carpet cleaning equipment. LIQUID FORCE mixes instantly in hot or cold water...
ELIMINATOR is a multi-phase odor neutralizer for control of organic malodors. The complex formula contains several different odor fighting mechanisms providing a wider range of effective...